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Salisbury 28-31 Old Centralians

To read the full report on this match please follow

In the glorious sunshine Salisbury put in a very industrious performance but lacked the clinical edge to finish off with a victory.  In front of a good sized crowd the home side were pleased to welcome back Liam Gilbert and Rob Larcombe, both having had the best part of a year our with serious injuries.  Also in the side were Boyd Rouse, returning fresh from duty with the Zimbabwe 7s side, and new caps Ben Stridgeon, Joe Goldsmith and Kyle Hookway.


Salisbury looked to be playing some crisp, attacking rugby but failed to finish off chances.  Skipper Josh Green carried strongly on numerous occasions, backed by veteran Gareth Blackborow. Joe Goldsmith on the open side flank was a thorn in Old Cents side before a knock saw him replaced by Dom Porter who put himself about in his usual robust fashion. At half back Dave Tonge and Rouse were building an understanding, and it seemed as if a score was beckoning but Old Cents were resolute and the home side had to be satisfied with three Rouse penalties making a 9-0 lead before the visitors claimed three points of their own.  A try from a line out saw the Gloucester side ahead at the break 9-10.


Salisbury seemed to go to sleep after half time and three tries from the visitors, each topped off with a conversion, threatened a rout . Gilbert thought other wise and his years of experience showed as he made good ground before feeding Porter who smashed the tacklers before touching down, Rouse converting.  The home side, and support belatedly woke up and good hands saw Callum MacTaggart in at the corner with Rouse again converting from wide.  Old Cents nerves were evident as the home side pressed again and MacTaggart claimed another to leave Salisbury three points short.  Despite pressure the points did not come and Old Cents departed relieved, but deserved, victors.  Salisbury will need to up their act when they visit Oxford Harlequins next Saturday.

In the glorious sunshine Salisbury put in a very industrious performance but lacked the clinical edge to finish off with a victory.  In front of a good sized crowd the home side were pleased to welcome back Liam Gilbert and Rob Larcombe, both having had the best part of a year our with serious injuries.  Also in the side were Boyd Rouse, returning fresh from duty with the Zimbabwe 7s side, and new caps Ben Stridgeon, Joe Goldsmith and Kyle Hookway.


Salisbury looked to be playing some crisp, attacking rugby but failed to finish off chances.  Skipper Josh Green carried strongly on numerous occasions, backed by veteran Gareth Blackborow. Joe Goldsmith on the open side flank was a thorn in Old Cents side before a knock saw him replaced by Dom Porter who put himself about in his usual robust fashion. At half back Dave Tonge and Rouse were building an understanding, and it seemed as if a score was beckoning but Old Cents were resolute and the home side had to be satisfied with three Rouse penalties making a 9-0 lead before the visitors claimed three points of their own.  A try from a line out saw the Gloucester side ahead at the break 9-10.

001 G9012799
Director of Rugby Richard Lloyd addresses the VP lunch
The team and management before the game
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A spot of bother for skipper Josh Green
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Fly-half Boyd Rouse gets us on the scoreboard with a penalty
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A distinguished line-up of spectators!
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Dom Porter crashes over for our first try
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Liam Gilbert back in action after a long layoff
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Callum MacTaggart in at the corner for the second try
034 G9012854
The pack utterly destroyed Cents' scrum
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Callum wraps the game up with his second try


Salisbury seemed to go to sleep after half time and three tries from the visitors, each topped off with a conversion, threatened a rout . Gilbert thought other wise and his years of experience showed as he made good ground before feeding Porter who smashed the tacklers before touching down, Rouse converting.  The home side, and support belatedly woke up and good hands saw Callum MacTaggart in at the corner with Rouse again converting from wide.  Old Cents nerves were evident as the home side pressed again and MacTaggart claimed another to leave Salisbury three points short.  Despite pressure the points did not come and Old Cents departed relieved, but deserved, victors.  Salisbury will need to up their act when they visit Oxford Harlequins next Saturday.


School Year (If Applicable)

Salisbury RFC
Castle Road

01722 325317


Tuesday- Friday

Rugby Season

19:00- 23:00
12:00- 23:00
09:30- 23:00


19:00- 23:00
19:00- 23:00
20:00- 23:00

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